Media Rates & FAQ

Real Estate Media Rates

Lets up your marketing game and make your Winnipeg real estate listings stand out from the others with exceptionally well-lit and perfectly framed real estate photos.

✔️Win more potential clients  ✔️Increased listing traffic  ✔️More excitement & bids 

✔️Keepsake images  ✔️Greater professional image  ✔️Happier sellers  ✔️Increased referrals


Hop on-board & start telling clients their home will be photographed by Winnipeg’s best!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a shoot typically take?

A standard home under 2700sq/ft of living space takes around 45 minutes to complete photographs onsite. Adding video, drone, 2d floorplans and other services can extend the shoot up to 2 hours total.

How do I prepare the property?

The house must be photo ready for the most part. sometimes certain items need to be moved or hidden and that’s ok but the majority of the house must be clean and well staged as best as possible.

How many images do we get?

Typically a house under 2700sq/ft of living space gets around 30 professionally edited photos. Larger houses will receive up to 50. This includes both interior and exterior.

How quickly do I get the photos?

Standard delivery is 24-36 hours and rush delivery is 3-12 hours after the photoshoot.

How do we book you?

Booking and availability can be done on my private booking page. Reach out and ill send you a link to get started, pick a date and request your services.

Contact me with your project details for more info/booking